Measuring Roman Blinds

We advise using a metal tape measure for accuracy. Measurements should be in cm to the nearest 1/2 cm.

Please double-check your measurements. We recommend a side winder mechanism for blinds over 180cm.

1. Blinds situated Inside a Recess

  1. Measure width A-B at the narrowest point so your blind can hang freely
  2. Measure Drop C-D
  3. Note which side you would like the cord – right or lef

2. Blinds Situated Outside a Recess

First check for obstructions that might stop your blind hanging freely and then decide on the amount of fabric to overlap the top and sides of the window recess. We recommend at least 5cm for both. 

  1. Measure the width you decide on, A-B
  2. Measure the drop you decide on, C-D
  3. Note which side you would like the cord – right or left

3. Blind Fixed to Inside of Window Architrave (Frame)

  1. Measure the width A-B
  2. Measure drop C-D
  3. Note which side you would like the cord – right or left

4. Blind Fixed to Outside of Window Architrave (Frame)

  1. Measure the width A-B
  2. Measure drop C-D
  3. Note which side you would like the cord – right or left


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